When traveling in any area of Nicaragua, all it takes is the mention of Wisconsin to elicit a large smile and a warm greeting. The reason? For 55 years Wisconsin and Nicaragua have been involved in a partnership following their motto, “Working Together We Make a Difference”.
Organizational Structure
Wisconsin/Nicaragua Partners of the Americas {aka W/NP} is a progressive and viable humanitarian service organization actively implementing and administering programs in Nicaragua.
W/NP’s goals are to:
- Promote mutual understanding and establish lasting relationships among citizens and institutions of Wisconsin and Nicaragua;
- Foster volunteerism and self-help attitudes through the implementation of education, economic and social development projects;
- Leverage development assistance funds from public and private sources.
Institutional linkages and affiliations are important assets that the Partnerships bring to their development projects. In addition, the linkages within the Partnership have demonstrated ongoing support and fostered sustainability of project outcomes. The North and South Partnerships work together carrying out a wide range of activities, which improve the quality of life in Nicaragua and promote humanitarian values.
W/NP is a not-for-profit, non-political organization working together to enhance quality of life in both countries, by people-to-people programs promoting cultural awareness and sustainable community development. W/NP is comprised of individuals of all ages, groups of all types, educational institutions and businesses. Programs are divided into focus areas which include cultural diversity, women and families, agriculture, youth, health and humanitarian assistance.
The beauty of W/NP is that one can be involved as much or as little as one desires.
W/NP is the “real deal”. Many lives in Wisconsin and Nicaragua have been changed for the better through W/NP.
Click here to read inspiring stories and experiences from volunteers: